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The Kroger Community Rewards program makes it easy for you to fundraise for local organizations. You can earn money for our rescue just by doing your normal grocery shopping. All you have to do is link Saved By Grace Animal Rescue to your rewards account. We contacted the Kroger Community Rewards program and they said you will still earn your normal fuel rewards points in addition to earning rewards for us! We would love it if you could follow the steps below to link us to your account.

  1. Follow this link to access the community rewards page. https://www.kroger.com/account/communityrewards
  2. Login to your rewards account. If you don't have one yet, click the button to Create an Account.
  3. In the Organization field, enter  QC785 or Saved By Grace and then click the search button (magnifying glass).
  4. Go to the Save By Gr ace Animal Rescue card and click Enroll.

Thank you so much for your support!